Supervisory Board's Committees

The Audit Committee is a standing consultative and advisory body of the Supervisory Board of the Moscow Exchange, set up with the purpose to preview the issues related to control over financial and economic activities of the Moscow Exchange, and the companies under direct or indirect control of the Moscow Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the "Moscow Exchange Group"), to ensure efficient internal and external audit and control, to analyze financial statements of the Moscow Exchange and the Moscow Exchange Group, and to submit recommendations to the Supervisory Board of the Moscow Exchange with regard to these issues when the Supervisory Board adopts resolutions.

The Strategy Planning Committee is a standing consultative and advisory body of the Supervisory Board of the Moscow Exchange set up with the purpose to preliminary consider issues related to efficiency enhancement of the Moscow Exchange and companies under the direct or indirect control of the Moscow Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the "Moscow Exchange Group") operations over the long-term and mid-term perspective through making recommendations to the Supervisory Board of the Moscow Exchange necessary for decision-making on these issues, including but not limited on the matters regarding strategic policy of the Moscow Exchange and Moscow Exchange Group, priority activities, efficiency and operational risks assessment, update of existing development strategies of the Moscow Exchange and the Moscow Exchange Group.

The Risk Management Committee is a standing consultative and advisory body of the Supervisory Board of the Moscow Exchange set up with the purpose to prepare recommendations to the Supervisory Board on matters falling within the competence of the Committee, including the priority development areas related to risk management of the Moscow Exchange and Moscow Exchange Group.

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee is a standing consultative and advisory body of the Supervisory Board of the Moscow Exchange set up with the purpose to prepare recommendations to the Supervisory Board on matters falling within the competence of the Committee including those related to nomination of and remuneration to the members of supervisory boards and executive bodies and other key managers.

The Technical Policy Committee is a standing advisory body of the Supervisory Board of the Moscow Exchange set up with the purpose to enhance efficiency of the Moscow Exchange operations through making recommendations to the Supervisory Board and/or executive bodies of the Moscow Exchange on the matters regarding technical and technological development of the Moscow Exchange.

The Corporate Governance Committee is an advisory body of the Supervisory Board of the Moscow Exchange set up with the purpose to consider issues related to the corporate governance of Moscow Exchange Group companies out of the competence of the Audit Committee of the Moscow Exchange’s Supervisory Board.